How to use Instaminutes with Microsoft Teams?
Last Update 2 years ago
1. Does Instaminutes work with Teams exe/app?
Yes, Instaminutes works with Teams via Notetaker on laptop/Mac 💻 and on mobile📱. Just sign in via this link, and sync your calendar📅.
After that, go to settings ⚙️ the personal settings, make it “Join all calendar events” and save.
2. Can I use the Chrome extension for Teams meetings?
Yes, the Instaminutes Chrome extension works for Teams meetings when taken on the browser. With the extension, you get real-time notes 📝 and the ability to train an AI assistant specifically for your use case.
📘 Learn more about how to use notetaker to use Instaminutes on Teams exe/app.
3. How to use Instaminutes for Teams meetings?
📌 Chrome Extension → Install it from here
📌 Notetaker → Sync your work calendar for this
📌 Desktop app → Get the app here
You can use Notetaker if you want to use Instaminutes in the meetings accessed from your mobile.
Instaminutes have different ways to integrate itself into your daily work, letting you share and edit your notes at your own pace.
Check this 1 min tutorial to see a step-by-step guide on how to join Teams meetings on Chrome browser.
To join the Microsoft Teams meeting without installing the app, you need to open your meeting in the browser that has the Instaminutes extension installed.
Click on “Use the web app” when the prompt shows up and when the meeting starts, Start the extension to take your notes.
If you have Notetaker in place, any browser will do.
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