How to add Instaminutes with google calendar?


Last Update 2 anni fa

Instaminutes can join your meetingsđź“… automatically. The notetaker is built especially to reduce users' hassle.

But Notetaker needs to sync with your Calendar for the same email ID 📧 you have used to sign up at Instaminutes.

Here’s what you need to do to Sync up your Calendar 📅 with Instaminutes -

1. After signing up, Scroll down on your Dashboard

2. On the “Your Upcoming meetings” Section

3. Click on “Add Work Calendar”

4. Instaminutes will ask for access to your email account 📧 to sync your Calendar 📅 (Choose the email the same as the one you used to sign up)

5. Check the box for “View and edit events on all your Calendar” to sync your calendar with Instaminutes

Now the upcoming events will show up on your Dashboard.

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