How to use Instaminutes on brave browser?


Last Update 2 年前


Instaminutes has built its services that can be used by people on different platforms with ease.

You can use Instaminutes’ extension to take notes📋 of meetings and conference calls that you choose.

📘 Learn more about Installing Instaminutes’ extension on Brave here

Start Recording

Complete the sign-up process before taking notes📋in the meeting, It’ll be a one-time🕐 process for ease of use in the future.

📘 Learn more about how to sign up on Instaminutes here.

After that, whenever you join a meeting-

1. Click on the Instaminutes logo on the extension bar of the browser

2. Click on the button in the middle to start getting notes

3. Click on the “Stop” 🔴 button when you’re done taking notes

Note: You can add a meeting title by clicking on “Enter Meeting Title” bar when the extension starts.

You can check the note📋 of the meeting by clicking the Meeting Card you want. Editing 🖊️and sharing the notes is easy as well.

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